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Anaphylaxis emoticon
(BilliTheCat, Pixabay)

Flower Meadow 
(Bru-nO, Pixabay)

Dog carried in a bag
(vaclavzavada, Pixabay)

Anaphylaxis emoticon Allergy Quotes

Prof Hasan Arshad, chair in allergy and clinical immunology at the University of Southampton and honorary consultant physician, says patients are sometimes known to develop allergies after a life "event".
"That event could be a number of things, for instance gastroenteritis, an infection that causes a stress on the immune system. It could be a hormone event, it could be physical stress," he explains.
"There is some experimental evidence that once the immune system gets an 'insult' of some kind, that leads to the breakdown of tolerance, and food that was tolerated, the immune system reacts to it."
He adds that the number of people in Western countries being diagnosed with allergies is growing, which is believed to be linked to "ultra-clean" environments in contrast to those of previous generations...
[He] ...says allergies can have a profound effect on patients' mental health. "A lot of people report that they are afraid to go out, and this is common in children as well. They are constantly living in the fear that they may have a reaction... this can be quite devastating." (Adapted from BBC, posted and accessed 25 February 2019)

Flower Meadow

'Not only are dogs natural protectors of their home and pack, research now indicates that dogs can protect your children’s immune systems and help prevent allergies and conditions like eczema. One study by the University of Cincinnati showed that children who grew up with dogs and whose parents had some history of eczema developed the condition at a rate of as low as 9%, while households without dogs showed rates as high as 57%. On the other hand, having a cat in the house actually increased the chance of children developing eczema to as high as 54%. Surprisingly, children who tested allergic to dogs as babies actually benefited the most from having dogs in the house when they were infants. Nearly two thirds of them who grew up without a dog developed eczema and other allergic reactions later in life. Only 14% who grew up with dogs did.'
(Jon Bastian, dated 2017, accessed 22 March 2017)
[Yes, all very good, but as at 2020, we are even making dogs allergic by keeping them excessively disconnected from Nature! See here.]

Dog carried in a bag

One study published in the March 2009
Pediatrics, suggests that children who get measles are less likely to have allergies. (‘Vaccine Debate’ article, Mothering #155, July-August 2009, p.46)

If we highly vaccinate at a very young age and vaccinate while you’re pregnant, it tips the immune system into autoimmunity [your immune system mistakenly attacks your own healthy body] and allergy... Overstimulation of the immune system when they’re very young... triggers neurodevelopmental problems. (Dr Paul Thomas, MD, 4m57s, posted 19 March 2019, accessed 5 May 2020; he is author of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan)
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Page last updated: 15 September 2020.