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Dolphin jumping
at sunset

Animals are Moral

Morality is about right and wrong behaviour, and generally describes what is good.
The opposite is immorality.
Animals, like humans, are capable of moral behaviour, exhibiting altruism and compassion.
Some animals, like dogs and dolphins, are well-known for helping humans in distress.

Dolphin jumping at sunset


Of all the animals, man is the only one that lies. (Mark Twain)

If you look at the history of capitalism, it has always been predatory. Its only mode so far has been to kill Indigenous peoples, kill and enslave Black peoples, use military force to extract wealth from vulnerable nations. And it has always extracted from the living Earth.
To survive with some grace, humanity must organize like the other species on Earth. Those other species are effectively ecosocialist: (1) they do not destroy the Earth, and (2) they share energy and resources relatively equitably.
(Peter Kalmus, adapted from 7 November 2020 tweets here and here)

Animals have no politics, but they can feel good and evil.
(Oleh Kokhan, producer of the film War Through the Eyes of Animals, that tells the story of the Ukraine war from the perspective of animals, quoted in The Guardian, posted and accessed 19 January 2025)

Also see:-


Animal, Human and Angel

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Page last updated: 19 January 2025.