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Photo Credits:-

3 Smiling Black Women (trevoy
kellyphotography, Pixabay)

Women in Harmony
(janeb13, Pixabay)

Resistance Women
(bones64, Pixabay)

Three black women, smiling at the camera, dressed in white, their bodies close Women & Failure Quotes

We continue to put in place the anti-sexist thinking and practice which affirms the reality that females can achieve self-actualization and success without dominating one another.
(bell hooks, Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics, 2000)

Women to some degree feel like success in any given field is limited and therefore you'll have to fight other women for it.
I have this poster in my room that says 'Her success is not your failure' - because I feel whether it's 'getting a boyfriend' or 'getting your dream job', women have been socialised to compete.
If you can build each other up it’s really empowering and important rather than tearing each other down. But it is so hard.
I do feel like women feel they are constantly in competition with each other - even their friends who they love and adore and do want to be happy.
(Holly Bourne cited at BBC, posted and accessed 14 June 2018)

Women in harmony doing yoga in nature

[Dr Ijeoma Kola] ...says society is not economically set up in favour of women and instils gender norms that make it impossible for the average women to be able to have it all.
(BBC, posted and accessed 26 November 2020)

The system of patriarchy in a historic construct has a beginning and it will have an end. Its time seems to have nearly run its course. It no longer serves the needs of men and women, and its intractable linkage to militarism, hierarchy and racism has threatened the very existence of life on Earth. (Gerda Lerner, feminist author, 1986)

On a woman's march, on a street with skyscrapers, we see a protest placard held aloft. It shows a woman and the words 'A woman's place is in the resistance'.

We live in a misogynistic world, and therefore what we accept is normal, what we think is normal, is misogynistic, whether we’re male or female.
(Ruth Davison, chief executive of the domestic violence charity Refuge, quoted in The Guardian, posted and accessed 16 May 2022)
[In PWP's view, this perverse normalisation also includes attacks on natural birth and breastfeeding. Women have been brainwashed into thinking that normal are: cesareans, low or no breastfeeding. Currently being normalised by Big Money: artificial wombs and laboratory breastmilk.]

It's not motherhood that's exhausting. What's exhausting is to nurture in a world that doesn't care for and support its mothers. (Mamá Kaur)

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Women & Failure

The Importance of Women

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Page last updated: 25 November 2023.