Project World Peace logoHourglass black & white drawing, the sand is nearly ended    CEE Quotes

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Photo Credits:-

Hourglass drawing

CEE Warning Sign
(unknown source; fair use, educational)

Broken Hourglass
(anaterate, Pixabay)

CEE Boulder
(Jonny_Joka, Pixabay)

CEE Asteroid
(urikyo33, Pixabay)

CEE Tsunami
(kellepics, Pixabay)

Hourglass Scream
84, Pixabay)

Monetise Quickly
(Jonesy Cartoons; fair use, educational)

Climate Extremists
(Dave Walker; fair use, educational)

Nightmare Fish
(8385, Pixabay)

Sea Rainbow
(791101, Pixabay)

Fourth Wave cartoon
(Adapted from Graeme MacKayMacKay Cartoons; fair use, educational)

Forest Roots
(vivi14216, Pixabay)

Tall Island

Climate Goals Explained (Adapted from
Professor Guido Kühn , 29 November 2020 tweet & Extinction Rebellion, 2 December 2020 tweet; fair use, educational)

Flood Children
(kellepics, Pixabay)

Discourses of Climate Delay 1
(Lamb et al., 2020; fair use, educational)

Discourses of Climate Delay 2
(Léonard Chemineau,
23 September 2020 tweet; used with permission)

Two similar maps for UK weather forecasts by the Met Office, one 2050 projected, the other 2022 real
(Adapted from Cai Parry, 15 July 2022 tweet)

10 basic facts for human & planetary survival (Prof Julia Steinberger)

Graph of CO2 and associated planetary temperature fluctuations over the past 800,000 years
(NASA; fair use, educational)

The Magic of Marketing
(Andy Singer; fair use, educational)

Types of (Bad) Media Articles on Climate
(Giulio Mattioli; fair use, educational)

Souped Sunflowers (Adapted from The Guardian, posted 14 October 2022, accessed 15 October 2022; fair use, educational)

Destroy a Sunflower (Unknown source, adapted from Alex Morss tweet, posted and accessed 15 October 2022; fair use, educational)

Fifth Wave cartoon
(Seen on the internet; also see 'Fourth Wave cartoon' above; fair use, educational)

Moat vs. CEE? cartoon (Drew Sheneman; fair use, educational)

This is Fine cartoon
(Baka Karasu; fair use, educational)

Cosmic Elder Woman
(unknown source; fair use, educational)

CEE Frogs
(Peter Carter, Climate Emergency Institute; fair use, educational)

Emissions graph by unknown; fair use, educational)

°C Guard-Rail graphic (David Wasdell/Sophie Gabrielle; fair use, educational)

Four Waves meme (Mark Cranfield;
fair use, educational)

CEE Adaptation by Rich Countries (Nick Anderson, Houston Chronicle; fair use, educational)

Nature Weeps
(unknown source; fair use, educational)

5th vs. 6th Mass Extinction (Anne Derenne aka ADENE;  fair use, educational)

Climate Apocalypse  (Marian Kamensky, Cartoon Movement, posted 5 September 2023, accessed 10 January 2025; fair use, educational)

Earth diagnosed
(unknown source; fair use, educational)

Pygmy Owl
(ArtTower, Pixabay)

Warning sign, triangular on a yellow background, man busy pushing the planet Earth off the top of a mountain, rocks already falling Climate and Ecological Emergency
(CEE) Quotes

An antique hourglass - dark wood and glass - is broken. Sand has poured out its base.
Time has run out to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown and apocalypse.
It's already begun.
Surely, act like it's an emergency, to have any chance of survival?


We are like deer or rabbits caught in the headlights of human evil - in the form of the CEE.
We are frozen in anxiety, fear, confusion - and incapable of action.
A few of us are rebelling against its perpetrators: capitalism, the superrich, the dictators, the mega-corporations, the fossil fuel executives.
The rest of us are paralysed at - or oblivious to or dismissive of - the oncoming danger.
The media - mostly controlled by the superrich - are forced to ignore the peril by their evil masters, and so the media forces us into ignorance.
Scientists are captured by the perpetrators and spout greenwash. Net zero is a scam.
Scientists don't get the evil of the elite, and underestimate the ferocity of the CEE.
It is getting nearer. It is becoming more overpowering.
There are warning signs: pandemics, floods, fires, droughts, famines.
But the media and politicians do not listen. They do not act as if it is a true emergency.
There is this desire or intent to return to life as normal,
to business as usual.

But so much of the disaster is already locked-in and irreversible.
Any window of opportunity to avoid disastrous climate breakdown closed ~1990 or 1967.
There is no escape.
It is going to hit us harder and ever faster in the 21st century.
It is like tackling the descent of a gigantic boulder from a mountain top. It is trundling down an ever steeper slope. It is obliterating everything in its path. It is accelerating. Halting it will take time, focus, a huge collective effort.
We cannot return the rock to the summit. So much has been damaged on the way down and there is more to come, even if we act decisively now.

A gigantic boulder trundling down a steepening semi-desert slope
"We have a choice. Collective action or collective suicide. It is in our hands."
(António Guterres, UN secretary general, quoted in The Guardian, posted and accessed 18 July 2022)

Nevertheless, everything we do to stop its momentum will save so much, so many lives.

Personal actions help, but we really need massive system change now.
Societal collapse is likely [see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here]. We must admit this and act.
Continued delay brings a higher risk of societal breakdown and even extinction.
We have to get back to at least 350 ppm CO₂ equivalent in the atmosphere to return to a stable climate, ideally 280 ppm. In 2022, CO₂ is 421 ppm, then add methane (demonically labelled 'green' by the EU), N₂O, CFCs = over 700 ppm CO₂e [also see here].
Stopping fossil fuels is just one key task. Other Herculean tasks include ending animal farming and ceasing capitalism. But it is too late to halt an apocalypse. It has already started. There is no instant off-switch.
Manmade tech is - and probably will be - irrelevant (e.g. see here, here, here, here).
Natural sequestration of CO₂ - such as biomass, krill, algae, kelp, peatlands, sCS2, hemp - may help. But it'll still take many decades to a century or millenia to return to a stable climate. And degrowth is absolutely essential.
We need to build an equal, fair world - what I call a Culture of Love or Solar Culture.
We especially need to overwhelm Governments, the Media, Big Money. "We need a billion climate activists" is something NASA climate scientist Peter Kalmus often tweets.
Together we can be Herculean.

A giant asteroid has just impacted Earth. It is beginning to send massive shockwaves through the oceans.
"There are big delays between carbon emissions - and then energy being pumped into the oceans - and the oceans warming - and then the atmosphere. Visualise climate change as a giant asteroid or tsunami. All the energy is already there. It can't be stopped." (Adapted from Mark Cranfield, 11 July 2022 tweet)

A gigantic tsunami is crashing over a huge city. The tsunami's height is so much higher than the tallest skyscrapers.
In essence, Big Business, Big Politics and Big Media have intentionally denied and delayed
a gentle, simple de-escalation of the incoming violence.

When we truly ditch fossil fuels, the associated reflective aerosols [fine particles suspended in the air] will disappear. This loss of global dimming will cause a big rapid spike in warming.
So, we need to temporarily create a reflective world to counter this, such as widespread mirrors, pykretes, painting surfaces with mirror-type paint or similar (e.g. roads, building & car roofs; here, here, here, here), marine cloud brightening and non-polluting aerosols.
Heightened volcanic activity due to this spiked global warming from ending fossil fuels may also reduce the associated termination shock. Aerosol pollutants from volcanic plumes produce a cooling effect for a few years, as with Mount Pinatubo in 2001. Also see here.
All this and rewilding Earth may allow humanity to transition to a New World.

In any event, we need to prepare for non-stop disasters by establishing emergency centres and organising a sustainable retreat [from uninhabitable areas]. Also see here, here.
There will be so many stateless refugees that we will need Nansen passports. There must be the right to immigration. Also see: here, here.
Food supply logistics is one of the biggest issues (if it isn't already - see here, here).

"The scary thing is, we just cannot grow crops at scale without a stable climate. That is why some people (in the know) are panicking. (Brian Metcalf, 26 March 2022 tweet)

On a personal level, stockpile food, grow you own food (even inside), know where you can collect water. Get connected to your community.
We all need crash courses and ongoing guidance on foraging and survival skills.
It is likely that we will need to assume a wartime footing, with the foe being our folly. In WW2, this switch happened for the USA almost overnight or within a month [10m24s; also see here], with rationing [also see here], simplified lifestyles and all efforts directed to countering the threat. Also see here.
Free Food Forests, Guerrilla Gardening and Victory Gardens are other options.
Otherwise society could crumble in an instant and then it would be the age of the warlord - or this.
Most important of all, do all you can to strengthen your link to your Higher Self, your Spirit, your Angel.

An imperfect image for the CEE is an oven. Global warming is like an oven as there is a long lag between when a temperature is set and when the temperature is actually reached. So much so that it allows people to claim for decades that it is hysteria.
But it's not like an oven in the sense that when the power is cut, the temperature will not slowly drop. There are many complex interacting mechanisms that ensure the temperature will continue rising and stay there for many millenia. Surely, the opposite of hysterical?
So, remember this when you read something like:

"The heating [of the Earth, passing 1.5C of heating for first time in 2024] is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and the damage to lives and livelihoods will continue to escalate around the world until coal, oil and gas are replaced."
(The Guardian, posted and accessed 10 January 2025)

This is a lie or at best ignorance.
The heating will not stop, even if fossil fuels are stopped.

Another analogy for the CEE is that humans have made a Faustian pact. We have sold our soul to the Devil for the short-term gain of power and riches for a few humans, with the sheeple shackled to the cult of capitalism and consumerism. We have colonised, disrespected, and profaned Nature.
It is this generation and our descendants that will reap the selfish and immoral consequences of this pact.
We need to regain a humble, respectful, sacred attitude to Earth - if we want to create Heaven on Earth.
"We do not own the earth. The earth owns us." (Chief Seattle)

Here are some quotes that may help you to free yourself from the headlights and act...

A woman in a light blue dress is caught in the upper half of an hourglass in Space, there is the glare of a light and she screams, her lower body seems to collect in the bottom of the hourglass


Climate change will, in a serious way, affect almost everyone alive now. Anyone old enough to escape it is lucky. Everyone is strapped to a rocket in this insane experiment.
(Mark Cranfield, 23 September 2021 tweet; also see here)

Taking in the whole sweep of Earth’s history, now we see how unnatural, nightmarish, and profound our current experiment on the planet really is. A small population of our particular species of primate has, in only a few decades, unlocked a massive reservoir of old carbon slumbering in the Earth, gathering since the dawn of life, and set off on a global immolation of Earth’s history to power the modern world. As a result, up to half of the tropical coral reefs on Earth have died, 10 trillion tons of ice have melted, the ocean has grown 30 percent more acidic, and global temperatures have spiked. If we keep going down this path for a geologic nanosecond longer, who knows what will happen? The next few fleeting moments are ours, but they will echo for hundreds of thousands, even millions, of years. This is one of the most important times to be alive in the history of life.
(Peter Brannen, The Atlantic, posted February 2021, accessed 25 July 2022)

Plants and animals capture carbon. When dead, they are buried and fossilized. Then they are transformed by exposure to heat and pressure in the Earth's crust. They become coal, gas, oil. This happens over millions of years, since ~400 million years ago. From ~1700, humans have extracted them as 'fossil fuels'. They are burnt to produce heat. And electricity to power 'progress'. But, in human time spans, they are finite and cannot be replaced. They also produce apocalyptic climate breakdown. Millions of years of carbon released in mere decades. Progress or Greed? Intelligence or Idiocy? Success or Suicide? Innovative or Devilish? (Bruce Mitchell, 27 July 2022)

A cartoon showing a few business people looking out on a city from behind huge office windows. A female secretary takes notes. A fire is encroaching the city from the hills, on all sides. It is apocalyptic. The overweight male boss says, "Somehow we need to monetise this - and quickly".
Progress or Greed? (Jonesy Cartoons; fair use, educational)

The climate crisis is not a human-induced disaster. It's an economic crime scene.
(Julia Steinberger
, Professor in Social Ecology & Ecological Economics, 25 September 2020 tweet; also see here, here) [Culprits: Big Oil/Gas; Big Money/Economics/Banks/Insurance/Trade; Big Politics; Big Media; Big Tech; Big Tobacco; Big PR; Big Law, Big Ag. Also see here, here.]

We, the living world, are being hunted and killed, the world over, by an assemblage of the fossil fuel industry, profit/wealth accumulating economics, and fossil-focused military geopolitical power. It is so very late, and we are so very far behind in fighting back.
(Prof Julia Steinberger, 12 August 2022 tweet)

"I think it's the moral equivalent of a war crime," says former US Vice-President Al Gore of the big oil companies' efforts to block [CEE] action. (BBC, posted 23, accessed 29 July 2022)

Looking back on previous human calamities, all of which will be dwarfed by this [CEE], you find yourself repeatedly asking “why didn’t they … ?” The answer is power: the power of a few to countermand the interests of humanity. The struggle to avert systemic failure is the struggle between democracy and plutocracy. It always has been, but the stakes are now higher than ever. (George Monbiot, The Guardian, posted and accessed 15 July 2023)

It’s not a problem of information. It’s a problem of power.
(Rose Abramoff, scientist & CEE activist, quoted at Al Jazeera, posted and accessed 16 June 2024)

A black and white line drawing cartoon. Headed 'Climate Extremists'. On the left, activists protest on a street, walking slow, with a banner that says, 'No New Oil - so there's a liveable planet for our children'. On the right, fossil fuel executives or perhaps politcians, around a boardroom table, look at a flip chart, suggesting that although fossil fuels will destroy Earth, it is the way to go. Between the two, the word, 'Or'.
(Dave Walker; fair use, educational)

Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small number of people to continue making enormous amounts of money... It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few... You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes... (Greta Thunberg)

Stefan Rahmstorf, head of Earth system analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, described global warming as a nightmare that he cannot wake up from – with children screaming in a burning farmhouse while the fire brigade refuses the call because “some mad person keeps telling them that it’s a false alarm”.
(Al Jazeera, posted and accessed 16 June 2024)

Anxiety around death is really similar to an anxiety around climate change. Many of the techniques that we use to manage, to cope with our inevitable death [e.g. acceptance, presence], are similar for coping with the extinction through climate change.
(Prof Susie Burke, psychologist, quoted in Al Jazeera, posted and accessed 16 June 2024)

Heard someone in the media casually say 'we'll have to get used to rising temperatures'. No one seems to understand the reality. It's like putting your kid in a pool of piranhas and smilingly saying 'You'll have to get used to living without a few toes'. It doesn't stop there.
(Matthew Todd, adapted 24 July 2022 tweet)

Surreal fantasy image of an organised group of pirahna-like fish with huge sharp teeth and red scary eyes

People who die because of climate breakdown have been murdered. Politicians and the super-rich have knowingly allowed this to happen. They’ve been warned for decades, but made no effort to stop emissions. The extreme weather we now face was caused by their actions. (Lawrence loves nature, 16 February 2022 tweet)

Impacts of human induced climate change will not be like falling off a cliff but rather like walking through a minefield where the density of mines keeps increasing!  Also the poor and rich countries are going on different paths where the density of mines is lower for the rich! (Saleemul Huq, 18 February 2022 tweet)

This is a public health emergency.
(Eric Holthaus, The Guardian, posted and accessed 30 June 2021)

To survive with some grace, humanity must organize like the other species on Earth. Those other species are effectively ecosocialist: (1) they do not destroy the Earth, and (2) they share energy and resources relatively equitably. (Peter Kalmus, 7 November 2020 tweet)

Sea Rainbow

Two basic concepts in climate I want the public to know:
1 Trend. If something gets worse every day, after some time it becomes unbearable and systems break.
2 Irreversibility. Humans can't "clean up" climate breakdown or ecosystem and biodiversity loss.
Peter Kalmus, Climate Scientist, 7 September 2020 tweet [my bolding])

Remember: climate change means “global weirding,” not just global warming.
(Thomas L. Friedman, The Seattle Times, 2008, cited at Wiktionary, accessed 23 September 2021)

Climate change makes the impossible not only possible, but it makes it probable.
(Jeff Berardelli, 2 September 2021 tweet)
[Do you want to live in an impossible world? It's happening now. If not, rebel!]

We have to understand the emergency of the situation. Our leadership has failed us. Young people must hold older generations accountable for the mess they have created. We need to get angry, and transform that anger into action. (Greta Thunberg)

We [humanity] are currently, in a systematic manner, exterminating all non-human living beings. (Anne Larigauderie, IPBES executive secretary, cited at France 24, posted 15 September 2020, accessed 16 September 2020) [We need to prioritise Nature.]

Fourth Wave cartoon by MacKay Cartoons (Covid-19, Recession, Climate Change, Biodiversity Collapse)
Fourth Wave cartoon (Adapted from Graeme MacKayMacKay Cartoons; click to enlarge)

Fascism has often been described as capitalism in decay. The ecological emergency is surely the clearest proof of this. Our political and economic elites either do not understand the ramifications of their actions, which have driven the climate crisis, or simply do not care enough to stop it. (Sam Knights, Jacobin, posted 16 November 2020, accessed 18 November 2020)

Man has the greater power to do both good and evil. Therefore his responsibilities to the Mother Earth are also greater.
(Jethro cited by Gerry Spence in How to Argue and Win Every Time, p.109)

Man's attitude toward nature is today critically important simply because we have now acquired a fateful power to alter and to destroy nature. But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.
(Rachel Carson, 1963 CBS documentary)

The initiation or test for humans today is how we will handle the power we have to alter Nature. Will we serve the whole and lead simple loving lives? Or will we keep going selfishly and destroy it all? (Bruce Mitchell)

That is what is at stake. Our ability to live on planet Earth, to have a future as civilization. I believe this is a moral issue. It is your time to seize this issue.
(Al Gore, 2006)

Forest Roots

You only talk about moving forward with the same bad ideas that got us into this mess, even when the only sensible thing to do is pull the emergency brake. You are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden you leave to us children...
(Greta Thunberg)

The thing y'all really need to understand about global heating is that however hot we let it get, it's basically not coming back down. Not in a hundred years, maybe not in a thousand.
And ecological breakdown? Timescale for recovery is 10 million years. Wake up humans.
(Peter Kalmus, Climate Scientist, 5 November 2020 tweet)

We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis... if solutions within the system are so impossible to find, then... we should change the system itself. (Greta Thunberg)

If the Earth improves as a result of our presence, then we will flourish. If it doesn't, then we will die off. (James Lovelock, YouTube, 1m31s, first aired 2010, posted 2012, accessed 2021)

Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. Man does not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself.
(Chief Seattle)

Tall Island

Four Laws of Ecology
  1. Everything is connected to everything else. There is one ecosphere for all living organisms and what affects one, affects all.
  2. Everything must go somewhere. There is no "waste" in nature and there is no "away" to which things can be thrown.
  3. Nature knows best. Humankind has fashioned technology to improve upon nature, but such change in a natural system is, says Commoner, "likely to be detrimental to that system"
  4. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Exploitation of nature will inevitably involve the conversion of resources from useful to useless forms.
(Barry Commoner, The Closing Circle, 1971)

The ''Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'' mantra is in that order for a reason – to best care for the Earth and all its creatures, including humans.
consumption and waste is the priority, by leading simpler lifestyles [personal and societal action] and stopping consumerism [like capitalism, a dysfunctional societal philosophy].
Then reuse if at all possible, both in our everyday life and collectively by designing quality long-lasting products.
Only then recycle. This is the last resort, yet we hear so much about it. It is really important, but tends to distract us from the more important earlier steps. Further, it is a sad reality that much recycling waste does not actually get recycled, or is shipped to the Poor World whilst the Rich World never takes any responsibility.
So, personally and collectively the most important way to help the Earth is to create a much simpler world lifestyle. ‘Personal sufficiency and public luxury’ is one option...
(Bruce Mitchell)
[I have also seen:-
4 Rs = Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (see 3m14s of this video).
6 Rs = Refuse, Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover (see here).]

Climate Goals Explained (uses the image below)
These are not targets to hit, but catastrophic points of no return. To call them "goals" is a dangerous abuse of language that enables Earth to be exploited to its maximum.
(Adapted from Professor Guido Kühn 29 November tweet & Extinction Rebellion 2 December 2020 tweet)

Graphic of a human hand and forearm and a circular saw; degrees of Earth warming mean more is cut off till at 4C the hand is lost
Perhaps study 'Climate Goals Explained' alongside The CAT Thermometer or Global Warming Index.
And watch - What Happens If The World Warms Up By 2°C3°C, 4°C, 5°C?

Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal. Nature always strikes back – and it is already doing so with growing force and fury. Biodiversity is collapsing. One million species are at risk of extinction. Ecosystems are disappearing before our eyes... Human activities are at the root of our descent toward chaos. But that means human action can help to solve it...
Making peace with nature is the defining task of the 21st century. It must be the top, top priority for everyone, everywhere...
This is an epic policy test. But ultimately this is a moral test... We cannot use [our] resources to lock in policies that burden [future generations] with a mountain of debt on a broken planet.
(António Guterres, UN Secretary General, cited in The Guardian, posted and accessed 2 December 2020)

The climate crisis isn't about ice & polar bears. It's about social collapse.
(Seen on the internet, e.g. here)

It is important for people to understand that 1.2°C is hell for many people across the world and 2°C is a death sentence. (Vanessa Nakate, 16 December 2020 tweet)

It doesn't need to get to 5°C.
It turned out that our paltry 1.2°C is apocalyptic. It's incompatible with agriculture, destroys water supplies and condemns coastal cities.
(Mark Cranfield, 2 July 2021 tweet)

Fantasy-style image of two young children holding hands, as a giant flood wave approaches

Half the world's population will die as a result of Climate Change in our children's lifetime. (Gail Bradbrook cited in Extinction Rebellion UK, 8 December 2020 tweet)
[Food shortages due to crop failure & water deprivation will be the main way. Then comes disease, social breakdown, decreased security which affects safe food growth & distribution. (Peter Carter/Roger Hallam) Meanwhile James Lovelock predicts billions will die due to the CEE in the 21C, leaving at best a billion or perhaps much less. Also see here, here, here, here, here, here.]

More and more people understand that the survival of humanity is at stake. Simply meditating or praying for change is not enough. There has to be action.
(The Dalai Lama cited at The Independent, posted 12 November 2020, accessed 13 November 2020)

The climate crisis is the number one emergency.
Renewables not only fight the climate crisis, they support energy security.
Renewables are the peace plan of the 21st century.
(António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, 18 June 2022 tweet)

Discourses of Climate Delay
Delay is the new denial. Now that the CEE cannot easily be denied, the baddies have resorted to delaying tactics. These are 'arguments that accept the science of climate change, but lean towards inaction and inadequate efforts' (William Lamb). Watch the video, read the comic by Céline Keller (PDF here) or peruse these two images:

Graphic of ways we delay climate action

Léonard Chemineau [click to enlarge]

If you are surprised that viruses can mutate and possibly get more dangerous wait until you hear about climate change tipping points.
It's a complex system out there.
(Dr. Elizabeth Sawin, 21 December 2020 tweet)
[It's why we must act quickly and decisively now. Some scientists believe that 9 of 17 identified tipping points are already active and irreversible (p.7; as of 2020). Learn about tipping points: watch here, here, here, here; read here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here; the next quote is an example.]

Methane bubble plumes are increasingly being seen in the Arctic, and Wadhams [Peter Wadhams, head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group at Cambridge University and author of A Farewell to Ice] is frustrated that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has not yet accepted his theory that, as the ice melts, we could face a catastrophic escape of methane that has been stored for 20,000 years. Estimates, he says, range from 50 to 700 gigatonnes, which could “cause maybe a degree [centigrade] of warming, more or less instantly”, bringing forward by 15–35 years the average date at which the global mean temperature rise exceeds 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
(The Guardian, posted and accessed 23 June 2021)

We've gone from
"Britain could reach 40°C by 2050"
"Britain could reach 40°C by mid-July"
There's a natural disaster unfolding right in front of us with zero political will in Westminster to act on it
(Class Struggle UK, 13 July 2022 tweet)

Projected UK weather forecast map for 23 July 2050 by Met Office, due to the imagined effects of anthropogenic climate change, made in 2020. The heatwave map looks very similar to the next 2022 real map. Projections are 28 years too late! Oops.    Actual UK weather forecast map for 18+19 July 2022 by Met Office, due to the effects of anthropogenic climate change, made a few days before the date. The heatwave map looks very similar to the last 2050 projected map. Reality is 28 years early! All hands on deck!!
On the left is a 2020 Met Office prediction of what a 2050 summer heatwave could look like. On the right is a BBC weather forecast made this morning, for this coming Tuesday. The Climate Crisis is real and it's happening now. Wake the f**k up. (Adapted from Cai Parry, 15 July 2022 tweet; also see here)

No climate model predicted ~50°C in Canada. If these models were too conservative then it follows that climate policy needs to be far, far more radical.
(Extinction Rebellion, 11 July 2021 tweet; also see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

The most comprehensive extinction forecast of 15% - 37%, or even as much as 50% of all Earth's species committed to extinction by 2050 is likely an underestimate according to recent research. (Ben See, 10 May 2022 tweet)

Much of the climate predictions for 2050 are already happening now in 2022
Yet politicians will not end fossil fuels until 2050 by which time there will be nothing left but a burnt out barren planet not capable of maintaining life
(Go Green, 22 July 2022 tweet)

I wish *you* personally understood that we are on the brink of civilizational destruction, and that *you* have to choose a side: collapse, or transformation. There are no more bystanders, just those trying to save lives, and those complicit with mass death.
(Prof Julia Steinberger, 29 March 2021 tweet)

How many floods, infernos, and dying ecosystems will it take for a critical mass to realize that profit-above-all-else is irreversibly destroying our collective future on Earth?
(Peter Kalmus, 30 March 2021 tweet)

10 basic facts for human & planetary survival chart by Prof Julia Steinberger

[Here is commentary on the above chart by Prof Julia Steinberger, adapted from here (also see here):]
Every day is sort of a waking nightmare, because even people who believe in facts 1,2,3 can't get themselves to state that 4 is also true. And that because of 6 & 7, we have no choice but to become activists - starting from the culture of a consumer society.
Seriously: saving the frikkin planet and so so many lives depends on us openly, bravely, stating the basic truth that we need to reduce energy & material consumption and FAST!  This doesn't have to be a bad thing, but it is an unavoidable thing.

Most people in the global North see the ecological crisis as primarily a question of technology, while social movements across the global South recognize that it is primarily a question of justice. (Jason Hickel, 15 June 2021 tweet)

Ask yourself why Government has not formally addressed the nation about the #ClimateCrisis. When drought, water shortages, crop failures, a boiling up planet loom ever closer, why the silence? Government has failed for decades. It trades our children's lives for short term gain. (Valerie Brown, 18 June 2021 tweet)

The power elite all over the world are all too aware of the effects of climate change. But they are all waiting for a ‘Malthusian correction’; to put it bluntly, they are waiting for millions of people to die. They think they will not be affected by it. They believe others will pay the price and only the poor will be affected. They are of course completely wrong.
(Amitav Ghosh, quoted in National Herald, posted 16 October 2022, accessed 17 October 2022)

Graph of atmospheric CO2  and associated temperature fluctuations over the last 800,000 years; we have a huge spike in CO2 now and the associated temperature will be over +10C
Graph of CO2 and associated planetary temperature fluctuations over the past 800,000 years. What hardly anyone is talking about is that the evidence of Antarctica ice cores shows that our current levels of CO2 (400+ ppm) = over 10°C of warming. The temperature just takes a little time to kick in.  
(Source: NASA; also see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

The graph also conveys our almost unprecedented rate of climate change, only being faster once in the last 500 million years (5th mass extinction 66 million years ago when an asteroid hit and ended the dinosaurs).
This reveals the horrific truth of the current CEE = the 6th mass extinction, the 1st mass extermination. 

Q. Why can’t the natural world adapt to what’s happening to the planet now?
A. The simple answer is that it’s far too fast.
People have an assumption that warmth is somehow what is bad here. But in fact it’s not the warmth itself, it’s the rate of change.
(Ben See, 27 April 2022 adapted tweet)

It's common to think of climate and ecological breakdown as the result of government 'inaction.' It's precisely the opposite. And it's important to understand it in this way.
(XR Cambridge, 17 January 2022 tweet)

It’s not that our governments are “doing nothing about climate change.” It’s that our governments are “doing climate change.” (Mary Annaïse Heglar, 26 August 2021 tweet)

The Magic of Marketing cartoon by Andy Singer. Everything in this industrialised scene is called green. Green skyscrapers, green planes, green cars, etc.
The establishment is busy 'replacing the fossil-energy fuelled ecocidal economy
with a solar-wind-nuclear-hydro fuelled ecocidal economy.'
: Green Gas & Nuclear, Green Transition (& here), Green Plastic Grass, Green Biofuel (& here),
Green Hydrogen, Green Coal, Green Cars, Green Tech, Green Political Leaders, Green Banks
Where is Degrowth?

It has become abundantly clear that governments don’t act on climate without pressure from civil society: threatening and silencing activists thus seems to be a new form of anti-democratic refusal to act on climate. (See Prof Julia Steinberger, 11 May 2021 tweet)

Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals.  But, the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels. Investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure is moral and economic madness.
(António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, UN, posted 4, accessed 5 April 2022; perhaps your country?)

Dear @metpoliceuk,
I know you are busy arresting @JustStop_Oil citizens who are trying to protect human life, but please can you arrest the criminal oil billionaires who are accelerating the death of my family and all life on earth.
Thank you,
Terrified mum of 2 young children
(Clare Saxon Ghauri, 12 October 2022 tweet)

Eco-fascism denotes a logic which blames the destruction of the environment on overpopulation and inadvertently or directly demands population control through xenophobic reasoning and racial purity. Naomi Klein identifies eco-fascistic leanings as the blind spot in liberal discussions about persuading the right about climate change: “[T]he right denied climate change not because they didn’t understand the science, but because they objected to the political implications of the science.” Far-right environmentalists tend to overlap with a white supremacist and eugenicist worldview, equating preservation of an unspoiled nature with the preservation of untainted whiteness.
(Jerrine Tan, posted 23 May 2021, accessed 10 June 2021; also see here)

Graphic of many bad yet typical CEE media article headlines
(Giulio Mattioli; fair use, educational; 'Crusade' should read 'Cruise' )

Climate change is a race issue
Climate change is a gender issue
Climate change is a class issue
Climate change is a health issue
(Vanessa Nakate, 18 October 2020 tweet)

Climate change is not only an Environmental issue,
It's a Gender issue,
It's a Humanitarian issue,
It's a Racial issue,
It's an Economic issue,
It's a Justice issue,
It's a Health issue,
It's a ............
(Adapted from Josh, 19 November 2021 tweet)

Two Just Stop Oil activists have just thrown soup at van Gogh's 'Sunflowers' painting  Ways to destroy a sunflower = An image of Vincent van Gogh's 'Sunflowers' painting with added labels, such as 'Drought', 'Fire', 'Floods', 'Starvation', 'Crop Failure'.
Sunflowers, 1888, by Vincent van Gogh: (1) Souped; (2) The Real Story = Ways to destroy a sunflower.
"What is worth more, art or life?" (Phoebe Plummer, above L, with Anna Holland, both
of Just Stop Oil).
PWP applauds their brave actions.

Disagree? Consider:
this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, thisthis, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this.
What are you doing to save the planet?

Do you agree with women having the vote? If so, it wasn't gained by timid, public-friendly means:
"The suffragettes of the UK slashed paintings beyond repair, broke hundreds of shop and office windows across London’s West End, then Emily Davison died in 1913 after putting her body in front of the King’s horse at the Epsom derby." Surely the CEE needs similar dynamism?

The CEE crisis is being ignored, has been for decades (COP 1 was in 1995, Environment 1 was 1972).
The CEE is an existential emergency and will be for decades and centuries to come.
Meanwhile politics refuses to act like it is. The media refuses to convey the runaway apocalypse.
Earth is one of the greatest artworks. It also  keeps us alive, FFS.  Why we destroy it?
Where the rage at ecocide?

Bravo, Just Stop Oil!

The obvious acceleration of the breakdown of our stable climate simply confirms that - when it comes to the climate emergency - we are in deep, deep s***!
Many in the climate science community would agree, in private if not in public.
The IPCC's reports tend to be both conservative and consensus. They’re conservative, because insufficient attention has been given to the importance of tipping points, feedback loops and outlier predictions; consensus, because more extreme scenarios have tended to be marginalised.
Plenty of peer-reviewed papers not addressed in IPCC documentation present far more pessimistic scenarios. There is no reason why a consensus viewpoint should be right, and we need to be preparing for the worst, even if we still hope for the best.
(Prof Bill McGuire, UCL, cited at BBC, posted and accessed 16 July 2021)

[On CEE alarmism:] I’m not sure that scaring people too much is a problem. We’re not nearly scared enough, and that’s why we’re not acting. The complete decarbonisation of our economy is our only hope of avoiding systemic environmental collapse, and nothing like that is on the political agenda in the biggest economies.
(George Monbiot, cited in The Guardian, posted and accessed 10 April 2022)
[Bruce: It's a fucking emergency and we do fuck all.]

Fifth Wave cartoon (Covid, Recession, Climate Change, Biodiversity Collapse, War)

Mass slaughter, mass rape, mass starvation. That’s what’s coming down the line.
(Roger Hallam, cited in The Guardian, posted and accessed 10 April 2022)

It is to the eternal shame of most journalists that we're living on a planet in unprecedented upheaval threatening to upend human society and few people even know it. We can't expect change - individual, systemic, political, economic, whatever - when people are kept in ignorance.
Explain the astonishing scale and rate of emissions compared to past events. Explain the astonishing scale of ecological damage. Explain that extinctions of species at this rate happened only 5 times in 4.5 billion years. Explain that almost no metric is improving after 40 years of policies. (Adapted from XR Cambridge, 1 December 2021 tweets)

As with a human body, the difference between a healthy temperature and a planetary fever can be less than 1C. (Jonathan Watts, The Guardian, posted and accessed 28 October 2021)

Abandoning the idea that we can limit climate change to 1.5C is not giving up. It is the very opposite. It is facing reality, so that together we finally rise to the occasion. (Rupert Read)

We must go into emergency mode against the climate crisis.
(António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, 21 January 2022; also see here)

Cartoon of two children, a boy and a girl, on a beach. They have built a fine sandcastle. They look at the sea, where a wave that fills their entire view approaches. The wave is labelled as 'Climate Change'. The boy says, "Think we have time to dig a moat?"
Moat vs. CEE? (Drew Sheneman)

We must be clear that decisive action on climate is not a ‘cost’; it is an investment, not just in our future, but in our survival. it would be the greatest cost-saving of human history. (Steve Trent, Environmental Justice Foundation, cited in The Guardian, posted 4, accessed 5 April 2022)

The logic of [carbon] offsetting is deeply flawed. We are facing an unprecedented climate and ecological emergency, and need to do everything we can to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Offsetting schemes tell us that we can continue living high-carbon lifestyles by paying others (often on the other side of the world) to take responsibility for our emissions. In fact, offsetting often causes harm to ecosystems and communities, and distracts from meaningful changes that would reduce emissions.
(Dr Rhian Barrance, The Guardian, posted 11 October 2022, accessed 12 October 2022)

There’s a saying in recovery that anything you put before your sobriety you will lose. The same is true of the health of the planet. Without that, every other issue is screwed. People cannot see it. It is a tragedy beyond expression. (Matthew Todd, 12 March 2022 tweet)

There are about 7.9 billion humans on this planet with “normalcy bias”.
Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings.
Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects.
The normalcy bias causes many people to not adequately prepare for natural disasters, market crashes, and calamities caused by human error. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias during a disaster.
(Adapted from Roadkill Wallaby Reef Foundation, 2 December 2021 tweets)

Cartoon of six images with a speaking dog in a fire, seated and sipping a drink, whilst getting progressively more fried, whilst saying things like "This is fine" and "I'm okay"
This is Fine (Baka Karasu)

You'll be like, "Doomism triggers my anxieties." It's not doomism just because the realism doesn't make you feel good. (Jasmine, TikTok account with 2.6 million followers, 53s of embedded video here, posted 15 April 2022, accessed 16 April 2022; also see here, here)

Climate change isn’t an ‘issue’ to add to the list of things to worry about, next to health care & taxes. It is a civilizational wake-up call. A powerful message – spoken in the language of fires, floods, droughts, & extinctions ... telling us we need to evolve.
(Naomi Klein)

I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystems collapse and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy… and to deal with those we need a spiritual and cultural transformation and we, (lawyers) and scientists, don´t know how to do that.
(Gus Speth, cited at The Earth Charter International, dated 2000-2021, accessed 16 April 2022)

My Trip to Space Filled Me With Overwhelming Sadness... all I saw was death.
I saw a cold, dark, black emptiness. It was unlike any blackness you can see or feel on Earth. It was deep, enveloping, all-encompassing. I turned back toward the light of home. I could see the curvature of Earth, the beige of the desert, the white of the clouds and the blue of the sky. It was life. Nurturing, sustaining, life. Mother Earth. Gaia. And I was leaving her.
Everything I had thought was wrong. Everything I had expected to see was wrong... because I discovered that the beauty isn’t out there, it’s down here, with all of us...
Every day, we are confronted with the knowledge of further destruction of Earth at our hands: the extinction of animal species, of flora and fauna . . . things that took five billion years to evolve, and suddenly we will never see them again because of the interference of mankind. It filled me with dread. My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.
(William 'Captain Kirk' Shatner, adapted from Variety, posted 6, accessed 9 October 2022)

An image of an indigenous female elder in the Universe, holding the Earth lovingly to her cheek. Underneath her, the words 'The purpose of pain is to move us into action. It is not to make us suffer.'

The Earth is 4.6 billion years old. Let's scale that to 46 years. We [humans] have been here for 4 hours. Our industrial revolution began 1 minute ago [1760]. In that time, we have destroyed more than 50% of the world's forests. This isn't sustainable. (Seen on the internet)

What is climate justice? It means acknowledging that the UK led the Industrial Revolution, fuelled by coal and colonialism. Britain, and other industrialised nations, have a particular responsibility to lead the transition to a sustainable, just and resilient world. It means recognising the obscenity of continuing with business as usual, knowing that young people, especially those in climate vulnerable countries, are paying for it with their futures.
And there is no climate justice without racial justice...
There is no climate justice without economic justice...
Finally, there is no climate justice without social justice...
Climate justice, racial justice, economic justice, social justice – all are interlinked.
(Caroline Lucas, The Guardian, posted and accessed 3 November 2022)

About 80% and 15% of global heating is due to the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries, respectively…
…we need to end those industries quickly. And yet, we are not doing this. Instead, world leaders have been doing all they can to expand fossil fuels. Also, there is no discussion to speak of about ending animal agriculture…
…we need society to switch into climate emergency mode. And the key to that happening is for you to demand it loudly and rudely, as though your life depends on it.
(Peter Kalmus, The Guardian, posted and accessed 1 October 2022)

Unless we take action on climate change, future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled. (Christine Lagarde)

Cartoon 'World responds to the climate emergency' by Peter Carter of the Climate Emergency Institute. Two frogs are partying in a pan of boiling water. Words say: 'The boiled frog is a myth. The climate emergency comparison is not. It's deadly accurate.'

The boiling frog analogy says that a frog that is put into boiling water will jump out, but if the frog is put into lukewarm water and that water is brought to the boil slowly enough, the frog will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. Although not scientifically accurate, the story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly - like the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

The canaries are all dead, the windows of opportunity are all welded shut, the frogs are fully cooked, the bananas are all gobsmacked, all the ships have sailed, the ticking time bombs have all detonated, and all the tipping points have well and truly tipped over the abyss.
(Prof Eliot Jacobson & Greg Carroll adaptation, Bluesky, posted and accessed 26 December 2024)

Until we as a society really address the climate and biodiversity crisis, our commitment to mental health is fake. No one can be expected to have good mental health while this is happening. (Matthew Todd, 16 May 2023 adapted tweet)

The next five images are intended to be read together...

(Sources include: here, here, here, here, here)
(Image sources, all fair use, educational:  (1) Emissions graph [unknown source]; (2) 2
°C Guard-Rail graphic by David Wasdell/Sophie Gabrielle; (3) Four Waves meme by Mark Cranfield; (4) CEE Adaptation by Rich Countries, Nick Anderson, Houston Chronicle); (5) Nature Weeps [unknown source])

Historical vs. Annual Emissions of CO2 graph
Humans have emitted 2,400 billion tonnes of CO2. Annual emissions in 2022 are ~36 billion tonnes (1.5% of total emissions). Therefore, bending the curve of annual emissions - whether gently or severely - to achieve 'net zero' will make little impact on atmospheric CO2 and its consequences. So much of global warming is already locked in. The oven temperature has been set and cannot be cancelled in human time frames.

This explains how we already locked in 2C at 330 ppm (1974). Text by David Wasdell, graphic design by Sophie Gabrielle.
Remember that atmospheric CO2 is 
the control knob  for temperature.
But, there is a lag as temperature catches up with atmospheric CO2.
Remember also that the rate of change is way faster than any time in the last 56 million years - and accelerating heavily in the 2020s - which basically does not allow animals and plants to adjust.
Extinction of almost all life on Earth is likely.
Pre-industrial (<1850) atmospheric CO2 was 280 ppm - it is the only safe level for our civilisation.
Daily CO2 is here
By 1974 or 330 ppm, 2°C was already baked in.
Ice cores tell us that 400 ppm CO2 results in a 3°C+ world.
As at 2022, historical emissions of CO2 (~418 ppm) guarantee a temperature rise of at least ~5°C.
When we catch up to 5°C it will be super-apocalyptic - even tardigrades are endangered.
 In the early 2020s, we caught up to 1.2°C, which was already catastrophic. In 2025, we caught up to 1.75°C.
But in 2025, now the atmospheric 
CO2 is closing fast on 430 ppm.  And so ~10°C+ is in the pipeline.
We will catch up to 2°C in the 2030s, perhaps as early as 2030. Then we face a rapid descent to 4°C Hell.
50% of humans (four billion) may be dead when we catch up to
3°C, anywhere from 2040 to 2050.
4°C we may have one billion humans left.
Extinction of humans is likely anywhere from 2060 to 2100, most likely in the 2070s.

A meme of the Four Waves cartoon by mackaycartoons. A city says "We just need to get to zero emissions!" Four monster waves that increase in intensity are about to crash into the city. The smallest wave is 'Emissions' (Annual Emissions). Next is 'Aerosols'. Then it's 'Ocean Heat Content'. The largest wave is '1 Trillion Tonnes of Atmospheric CO2' [historical emissions].
So, stop fixating on annual emissions. Stop being distracted by carbon budgets and 'net zero'.
Act like it is an emergency. 

A cartoon of a powerful Rich World man talking to some Poor World people. From a raised platform, he assures them the Rich World is adapting. He proceeds to build a wall between him and them.
Meanwhile, the mega-crime by the Rich World elite continues...

A fantasy image of a Nature goddess looking at the Earth. A waterfall streams from one eye. There is a quote by Thich Nhat Hanh: 'If the Earth were your body, you would be able to feel the many areas where it is suffering.'
As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the ones we hurt, are you and me?
(Adapted from the Bible's Psalm 23 & Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio)
Imprison the gangsters and terrorists that make us blind = Big Media, Big Oil, Big Politics, Big Money, etc.
Act like it's an emergency.

The Seven Stages of climate denial:
1. It’s not real
2. It’s not us
3. It’s not that bad
4. We have time
5. It’s too expensive to fix
6. Here’s a fake solution
7. It’s too late: you should have warned us earlier
Trolls use all of these stages to deny reality of #climatechange
(Professor Mark Maslin, tweet of unknown date, via Matthew Todd 8 December 2024 thread)

...too much focus on solutions and optimistic frameworks can disconnect us from the gravity and darkness of the crises we are immersed in. (Félix de Rosen, Resilience, posted 9 April 2024, accessed 10 April 2024)

Mukherji [Aditi Mukherji, IPCC co-author] compared 1C of global heating to a mild fever and 1.5C a medium-to-high grade fever. “Now imagine a human body with [that] temperature for years. Will that person function normally any more?”
(The Guardian, posted and accessed 8 July 2024)

Another reason why people can’t grasp the climate crisis is because it gives hard answers they can’t handle. It proves capitalism is a disaster.
It proves the media is broken. It proves that consumerism has perverted us. It ultimately reveals our civilisation isn’t fit for purpose.
(Matthew Todd, 31 May 2023 adapted tweet)

A cartoon with two frames. The top frame shows the fifth mass extinction of 65 million years ago: a group of dinosaurs are looking up and see a huge asteroid about to impact Earth. The lower frame shows the current sixth mass extinction: a group of African animals are looking up and see a huge businessman with cigar and cash about to impact Earth; the businessman looks just like the asteroid from the top frame.
5th vs. 6th Mass Extinction (Anne Derenne aka ADENE; fair use, educational)

But he [James Lovelock, climate scientist] fears we won't invent the necessary technologies in time [to avert environmental catastrophe], and expects "about 80%" of the world's population to be wiped out by 2100. Prophets have been foretelling Armageddon since time began, he says. "But this is the real thing."...
"There have been seven disasters since humans came on the earth, very similar to the one that's just about to happen. I think these events keep separating the wheat from the chaff. And eventually we'll have a human on the planet that really does understand it and can live with it properly. That's the source of my optimism."
(The Guardian, posted 1 March 2008, accessed 28 July 2022)

Based on known factors and excluding nuclear war, I think humans will go extinct sometime between 2060 and 2100. If I had to guess a decade I'd say the 2070s.
(Mark Cranfield, 29 March 2023 tweet)

Humanity is in a period exactly like 1938-9, he [James Lovelock, climate scientist] explains, when "we all knew something terrible was going to happen, but didn't know what to do about it". But once the second world war was under way, "everyone got excited, they loved the things they could do, it was one long holiday ... so when I think of the impending crisis now, I think in those terms. A sense of purpose - that's what people want."
(The Guardian, posted 1 March 2008, accessed 28 July 2022)

A cartoon in two strips. The top strip shows a family fleeing from a forest wildfire, running to the right of the strip. The bottom strip has the family fleeing from a giant wave and a lighning storm, fleeing to the left, back to the now burned-out forest.
Climate Apocalypse  (Marian Kamensky, Cartoon Movement,
posted 5 September 2023, accessed 10 January 2025; fair use, educational)

The IPCC shows sea level rise linearly, which implies society really doesn’t have to do much about sea level rise because it is rising linearly, but it is not. It’s rising exponentially as are other climate-related changes. Truth be known, “before very long we’ll see cities inundated and catastrophic flooding events, especially in low-lying coastal cities.” [Peter Wadhams]
“All of these changes, we can plot them and if we look exponentially, we see really catastrophic effects in the next few years, certainly in the next decade or two the world will be completely different than it is now.”...
Today, society is failing to recognize the prospects of big adverse changes to the planetary system, but in a few years, we are going to think we are living on a different planet.
(Robert Hunziker, CounterPunch, posted and accessed 7 February 2025)

Planet Earth is at the doctor. The doctor looks like a rocky moon. The Earth is on a treatment table. From its stool, the Doctor Moon gives the diagnosis, "I'm afraid you have humans!".
Earth diagnosed (unknown source; fair use, educational)

Can't you hear the future weeping? Our love must save the world. (Ben Okri) [This quote was added to a large grass background and floated on London's River Thames in June 2021 by XR. This was to urge governments to act on the Climate & Ecological Emergency. See: film, here, here, here, here.]

Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. (Cree Indian proverb)

Humanity stands in the darkest valley — caught between denial and panic, waiting for the catastrophe that will finally break through our apathy.
Resist, whilst you still can.
(Roger Hallam, adapted 13 November 2024 thread)

This is a call to revolution. The Earth is under threat. It cannot cope with all that we demand of it. It is losing its balance and we humans are causing this to happen.
(King Charles III of UK, Harmony, 2010)

I don’t think it’s helpful to say act now before it’s too late. Because it’s too late for so much already, while it’s never too late to do the right thing.
(Adapted from Jem Bendell, 17 August 2021 tweet, to which Fulya Sari replied:)
“We gather and rebel not with a vision of a fairy-tale future where we have fixed the climate, but because it is right to do what we can. To slow the change. To reduce the harm. To save what we can. To invite us back to sanity and love.”

Face and Eyes of a Pygmy Owl

Also see:-

Success for Society - Environment



Environment articles


Global Warming
Global Weirding [extreme, unusual weather becomes normal - due to the breakdown of our stable 10,000 years old climate = food system fucked]

[wartime footing & front page daily - for millenia or until extinction]


Deer/Rabbit analogy

Boulder analogy

Asteroid/Tsunami analogy

Oven analogy

Faustian Pact analogy

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© Bruce Mitchell 2020-Now. All rights reserved.
Page last updated: 8 February 2025.